Click on the triangle icon to open the filter panel. There is nearly double the options in every category (over 700 new items altogether). For example, if you choose feminine, the wardrobe will autofilter feminine clothing so you’ll have to uncheck the feminine filter to view all the clothing options. This choice represents your Sim’s style and your selection will be reflected in the clothing filters.

A male Sim with a feminine physical frame can have facial hair.Bras and other traditionally female tops do change the overall look of the male body, making it appear more feminine. Adjust the chest area manually to give the illusion of breasts, but a toggle like female breast customization is not available. Breasts are not added on a male Sim with a feminine frame.The shoulders aren’t as husky, but of course, all this is customizable except: The butt isn’t as protruding as a female Sim with a feminine frame, but the difference is noticeable. A male Sim with a feminine frame gets thinner legs with more curvy definition. A female Sim with a masculine frame allows full breasts.However, you can adjust these manually to your liking. The shoulders aren’t as broad as a male sim with a masculine frame.

A female Sim with a masculine frame still has slight curves around the butt and upper thigh. Manually customize the body to get the specific shape you desire. Female Sims with a masculine frame and male Sims with a feminine frame look very similiar.